established 1984 - Parker, Colorado

CORE Electric Cooperative

A big thank you to the 2024 ​Yuletide Bazaar Sponsors.
Redstone BankLifetime Windows & SidingEnt Credit Union, Douglas County Foundation  and the Parker Chamber of Commerce Foundation. These are the community partners that make our Bazaar possible. The Bazaar benefits student scholarships and mini grants to other nonprofits. 

Make sure you thank them whenever you see their representatives as the more successful our Yuletide Bazaar is the more we can help our community.

General ​Federation
of Women's clubs

Welcome to the
Mountain Pine Woman's Club

​​Our Mission:

The General Federation of Women’s Clubs is an international women’s organization dedicated to community improvement by enhancing the lives of others  through volunteer service.

Our fundraisers benefit scholarships for students and donations to other non-profits such as shelters, veteran's support, libraries and schools.

​We are "Living the Volunteer Spirit!"

Link to General Federation of Women's Clubs