established 1984 - Parker, Colorado

General ​Federation
of Women's clubs

Bird Toys for the Gabriel Foundation

Redstone Annual Tree Decorating Contest

​​Parker Art Walk

  • Activities

Our club loves to get together! We have a group called "Sit-n-Sip" which meets on the 2nd and 4th Monday of the month at a local coffee shop FIKA to socialize. Many  crochet or knit  while we visit.

FIKA Coffee House:

​22040 E. Idyllwilde Dr.

Parker, CO 80138

We have a walking group that meets at Bingham Lake every Friday at  10am depending on weather.

​Bingham Lake

6098 N. Irish Pat Murphy Dr.

Parker, CO 80134

Our book club meets at a member's home or via Zoom to discuss the latest good read chosen by the group. 

Our club has a group called"Women on the Go!" that gets together for museum and historic tours, high tea, art viewings, concerts and more. 

Our club participates in several community events such as the Parker Parade, Parker Chamber Wine Walk, Parker Days,  Senior Walk in the Park and other activities. 


Group BBQs

Birthday Luncheons


Annual Fundraiser:  Yuletide Bazaar


Annual Cookie Exchange